Saturday, March 26, 2011

Strawberry-free smoothie

So many places i go every single smoothie recipe includes strawberries....well guess what - I am allergic!! so are thousands of other people around the world!!! so i decided to make my own smoothies!! Today's smoothie will be Mango-pineapple-peach

This will make 2 16 ounce cups roughly - commonly known as beer-pong cups these days

2 red cups of ice cubes (any shape but not crushed)
1 peach yogurt
1 ripe mango
1-2 cups of pineapple juice (or pineapple mango juice)

cut & peel mango - i found if you hold it on end and cut down it from the center like you are cutting it in half then just follow the contour of the pit you can slice it in half. i use a spoon to scoop the flesh out of the peel - but any ways you cut and peel it works!

put mango in blender
add yogurt to blender
add ice to blender
add 1/2 cup of pineapple juice to blender

on blender lid remove center part so you can pour in more juice as needed. put on lid. hold hand over opening on lid to prevent splash and turn blender onto a high speed. add juice as needed to get everything to mix in and blend...the more juice you add the thinner it will get.

once blended well pour into glasses and enjoy!! These great sunny frosted mugs from zazzle are perfect!! this recipe should make 2!!!

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